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Eight Tricks To Stay Motivated

And it is not easy to always want, look directly at the target of our goals and carry out the actions to reach them. I do not have a good day, the goal is too far, I can no longer see what to what I insisted on, etc.

1.) The first thing would be to make sure that you want what you think you want and that you want it for the right reasons (for you, watch out). An easy example: the diet you undergo to be extremely deadly (either gaining weight or losing weight, which seems that the ideal weight can only be achieved by losing). There is no week that you don't skip it. Maybe, deep down, you don't give a damn about being cute or maybe you look divine the way you are and you walk around with lettuce and / or protein shakes because your environment has put your head like a hype.

Or you may want to gain or lose those kilos, but not for aesthetics, but for health and that change of perspective is what you need to stay firm like an oak. It is not the WHY, but the WHY that makes us move in the right direction. Write down your what for and check them out every day. It will be for cute notebooks ...

2.) The second, once the objective is defined in detail, is to be clear that it is possible and to know how you are going to measure that you have achieved it. Always put yourself a temporary deadline. I'm not worth "I'm going to create a blog one of these days about some food", but yes "I'm going to create a blog with vegan recipes that cook in ten minutes and will be ready in a month". If your blog is online in a month, ready and prepared for the planet to read about your culinary art, you have succeeded.

3.) Tell your goal to people with the same criteria as you, so that they support you, applaud you and encourage you. You want to move to London and you have to work a lot to get it; How good that your friend is one of those who think that traveling is the best thing in the world and that if that's what you want, palante . The other side of the coin is to stay away from the spoilers, what a weight. No bloody case.

4.) The agenda is the basic and supreme tool of the organization and, in many cases of motivation: it describes the steps that will take you from where you are to where you want to be and plan them. If you want to gain five kilos in two months you may have to 1) Find a nutritionist 2) Find a coach or a gym 3) Go to the supermarket 4) Organize meals 5) Schedule workouts 6) etc. If you want to create a website you will decide 1) If you do it and you need training for it or if you ask professionals for budgets 2) What texts are going to appear 3) If you need photos and where are you going to take them 3) What sections will be necessary.In this other post I gave you several tips on the art of scheduling like crazy people.

5.) Each one knows how their head works and what they need to keep up the desire: there are those who play sports with hyper-marvelous music, in order to motivate themselves; who pastes photos in the fridge from when he had a great guy; who sticks photos in the fridge of the current moment, with a horrible physical form; who has a cork with photos that remind him of what he wants, be it a house with a garden, do yoga every day or move to Paris. We all do what we do because the benefit of achieving it is greater than the cost. Remind yourself of the benefit, keep it in mind at all times.

6.) One thing after another: sometimes the steps accumulate on top of each other. Choose one and finish it. Forget about everyone else. Maximum concentration.

7.) Have a list of what has already been done. Aiming every minimum achievement pushes you to continue achieving. If this week you have managed to read an hour a day, go to the gym three times, study the five topics that you set out to do, organize meals divinely or meet that friend that you wanted to see so much, write it down and keep it visible. You have managed to get out of the house on time every day and you have not run like crazy to get to work, you have saved, for two months you have been carrying the pristine manipedi: AIM IT.

8.) Think about the person you will be when you have achieved what you want: you will be calm, proud of yourself, with a frightening self-esteem . Realize that you are solely responsible for what happens to you. You are powerful because you have the power to have what you want happen to you. When stupid thoughts come about your possible disability, think about when you felt that way before. When someone made you feel insecure. That has already happened and what others say has to do with them, not with you. Tattoo it.

And, finally, the first thing: you deserve to achieve what you have set out to do, live with enthusiasm, feel that you are moving towards the place that you feel like, get out of the hamster wheel, drip self-love, be the boss of your damn life.
Eight Tricks To Stay Motivated Eight Tricks To Stay Motivated Reviewed by Mehemmet on 1:05 AM Rating: 5

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