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What it is Ginseng?, how it is used and why it is considered a powerful aphrodisiac

Ginseng is part of the energy folklore around the world . There is hardly a city on this planet where ginseng in tablets, techites and powder is not available under the promise of a brilliant improvement in our energy and sexual vigor.

Is it really so? We tell you where its fame comes from and how you can prove its properties yourself.

Where does ginseng's legendary reputation come from?

In the West, Ginseng came under the radar during World War II, when the government of the former Soviet Union began studies focused on finding natural substances that would increase the potential of soldiers in contexts of maximum stress. Human beings were not exempt from participating in the enormous competition for productivity, efficiency and performance that warfare demanded on a planetary basis. But in reality, even before the Russians paid attention to it, thousands of years ago, Chinese medicine had assigned it the classification of "superior tonic", for its excellent properties during combat.

What exactly are those properties?

To define the type of action that plants like ginseng exert on the body, the Russians used the concept of "adaptogen". An adaptogenic plant is a plant that has a substance capable of inducing an increased resistance state in an organism to counteract the signs of stress and adapt to exceptional effort. The most convincing clinical evidence is related to its neuroprotective effects and the improvement it produces in cognitive functions, when it comes to compensating for states of fatigue and depression. The interesting thing about this root is that it acts against all stress factors (biological, chemical, physical), without exercising a specific function against any specific organ, physiological function or pathology. Its action is rather "normalizing", since it improves the body's homeostatic capacities, that is, the adaptability, resistance of the organism against tension.

What does all this have to do with sex?

To start, we must always keep in mind that sexual responsiveness is actually a manifestation of our state of health. Any substance that tends to tone and recover our body will have its effect on our sexuality. As ginseng has a positive impact on the nervous system, and acts as a compensator against fatigue and stress conditions, the restoration of sexual potency becomes more possible. In addition, this root has vasodilatory properties that improve blood flow throughout the body, also at the genital level.

Is it suitable for men and women?

Sure. In men, vasodilatory properties are very important not only to achieve an erection, but also to maintain it. In the case of women, the increased blood flow combined with arginine, also present in ginseng, reduces vaginal dryness, and increases the sensitivity of the clitoris, therefore, the possibility of orgasm .

Is recovering our sexual response as easy as taking ginseng?

Not really. Although ginseng provides an interesting energy rest to regain desire and action, it must be said: it does not work miracles in cases of deeper endocrine or organic problems such as diabetes or the effects of addictions. The idea is always that the consumption of ginseng is accompanied by measures focused on recovering from physical tiredness, excessive alcohol consumption, poor nutrition and stress. And of course, we always have to check that there are no underlying diseases that are interfering with our erotic response.

How is it consumed?

The fresh root can be obtained in greengrocers in Chinatown or Liniers. In general, if you want to try it that way, you can ask your greengrocer to bring it to you on request. There are people who eat it raw, steamed for 10 minutes to soften it, and cut it into slices. Since it tastes mild at first and then slightly bitter, it can be flavored with honey, lemon, and oil, but there are easier ways to incorporate it. Ginseng usually comes in capsules, in the form of an extract for preparations, in powder, seeds, and beverages. Some houses offer it in ampoules. The usual thing is to take it in the form of tea: you will find sachets ready to dilute in a cup of hot water. The powder is also super comfortable since you can put it in stews and salads. Regarding the quantity,

Which is more convenient, red, white, or brown ginseng?

Actually, it is the same plant, what changes is the time of existence and the treatment it is given. The brown is the fresh one, extracted before the age of four, the white, the one that was already extracted between the four and six and dried after peeling. Red is the oldest, the one that remained on earth for at least six years and was cooked with its skin, which accentuates its properties.

Is ginseng a harmless root?

Not that much. Its incidence in the body must be taken seriously in good and bad. Ginseng has contraindications in people with grade 3 hypertension disease and infectious diseases. Patients with pathologies such as multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis or lupus and patients who are taking antiplatelet drugs should refrain from this root. Furthermore, although it is an energizer, it should not be consumed when the body is very weak but the disease is not identified. Nor when there is excessive mental stress, a very strong fever or severe bleeding. It is also not recommended for very strong flu symptoms or for people with constipation. Finally, ginseng in exceptional cases, can present side effects, such as diarrhea, itchy skin,
What it is Ginseng?, how it is used and why it is considered a powerful aphrodisiac What it is Ginseng?, how it is used and why it is considered a powerful aphrodisiac Reviewed by Mehemmet on 4:00 PM Rating: 5

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